Well-being is the experience of health, happiness, and prosperity. It includes having good mental health, high life satisfaction, a sense of meaning or purpose, and the ability to manage stress.
This is a much broader understanding than the fitness and beauty brands might have you think wellbeing is about, and YOUR experience of wellbeing might be broader still. Community and connection, nature, art…. these are all things that might be vital to your wellbeing.
At Roots of Respect we want to encourage you to explore all the elements that add to your wellbeing by providing a variety of services and experiences in our urban sanctuary. A safe space for discovery.
Massage; beauty; classes; art; learning new things; connecting with people; being still; being active; being inspired; being challenged; having fun……
Can one space offer all of these things? We’re giving it a go Leeds!
Keep updated with everything we have going on at Roots of Respect by signing up to our newsletter.
RoR Team xx
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